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Background of the study

Divorce is one of the core vices that have posed a lot of challenges to human kind in different dimensions. This is true in that, the problem of divorce is not just to Christians alone but people from all works of life. According to Jay, there is hardly a Christian family or society that does not know the pains of divorce directly or indirectly. He said, in medieval era, homes were held in high esteem where the husband and wife stayed together to fulfill the plans and purpose of God for their lives (140). In recent times, divorce has become one of the greatest threats to society, for it destroys one of the most basic societal institutions, the family. The threat is even greater to Christians today because of its numerous problems associated with it. Since there cannot be divorce without marriage, Scott defined marriage as an institution ordained by God to be a permanent, indissoluble life-long covenant relationship and union between a man and a woman for the purpose of fulfilling an innate need for community and procreation (14).

Procreation and companionship are the basic twin purposes for marriage. However, companionship seems to be superior because it is possible to have a real marriage without children, but without companionship the production of children does not fulfill the purpose of marriage. In recent times, the ever-increasing number of divorce have been posing a serious threat to the marriage institution which is valued very highly by all human cultures and religious traditions. Dominion explained that a careful examination of the contemporary nature of marriage will reveal the exact change. Hence, a healthy family is imperative for a healthy society and the church at large (14).Christian, Traditional and Islamic religions generally have certain ways of conducting marriages and how such marriages are expected to be guided by certain rules and regulations of such faiths. It is therefore true that people in all cultures and in all ages have considered marriage as a natural gift to humanity. It can therefore be said with certainty that the institution of marriage is one that is natural and common to all human kind. In most cultures, neither man nor woman is considered incomplete after reaching a certain age without a spouse (Nwoye and Nnena71). Though, all religious traditions highly value the institution of marriage, Christianity holds the institution of marriage in a more exalted position in comparison to all other religions. It is, however, not surprising that, the sublimity of Christian teachings has not deterred some of its followers from seeking civil divorce. Christians in Nigeria are also experiencing the effects of divorce in different ways, for the inability of a couple to understand what marriage leery is, marks the beginning of conflicts between a husband and a wife which sometimes results into divorce.


1.2 Statement of the problem

In spite of the suffering involved in divorce, the rate of divorce continues to soar high even in our Churches. There is no single and simple answer to the question of why marriages do not survive the ‘better or worse’, and the reasons for divorce vary from one couple to another. In an extensive review of factors that account for divorce around the world, Lowenstein, identified various factors, including women’s independence; marriage too early and arranged marriages; economic factors; poor intellectual, educational, and social skills; liberal divorce laws; sexual factors leading to incompatibility; role conflicts; alcoholism and substance abuse or risk-taking behaviour; differences between the partners leading to acrimony; religious factors; attitudes toward divorce; and many other factors. No marriage is problem-free. Some endure the ups and downs while others unfortunately fall to one of the very many reasons for divorce. There has been a vast increase in the rate of divorce in Nigeria and the highest percentage is in Christian marriages.

Today, marriages are no longer as stable as they used to be in our churches. There are indications that divorce rates have the potential to become a public health problem in Nigeria. There is an assertion that the family is the nucleus of society therefore the society becomes unstable when the family structure is shaken. It is against this backdrop that the researcher seeks to assess knowledge and perception of divorce among Christian faithful in Ikwo local government area.


1.3 Objectives of the study

1. To explore the impact of divorce on parent-child closeness among Christian faithful.

2. To investigate the views on marriage and divorce held by Christian faithful.

3. To examine the role of Christianity in shaping perceptions and experiences related to divorce among Christian faithful.


1.4 Research questions

1. How does divorce affect parent-child closeness among Christian families?

2. What are the prevailing views on marriage and divorce among Christian faithful?

3. How does Christianity influence attitudes and responses towards divorce among Christian faithful?


1.5 Research hypothesis

1. There is a negative correlation between divorce rates and parent-child closeness among Christian families.

2. Christian faithful are more likely to hold conservative views on marriage and divorce compared to non-Christian groups.

3. The level of adherence to Christian teachings correlates with the acceptance or rejection of divorce among Christian faithful.


1.6 Significance of the study

This study seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of how divorce is perceived and experienced within Christian communities. It can provide insights for counselors, pastors, and policymakers to better support families going through divorce within these religious contexts. Additionally, it may contribute to discussions on the intersection of faith, family dynamics, and social attitudes towards divorce.



1.7 Scope and limitations

The study focuses on Christian faithful from a specific geographical area or denomination, limiting its generalizability to other religious or cultural contexts. The study may also face limitations in gathering data due to the sensitivity of the topic and potential biases in self-reported responses.


1.8 Definition of terms

Parent-child closeness: Refers to the emotional bond and relationship quality between parents and their children.

Views on marriage and divorce: Refers to individual beliefs, attitudes, and opinions regarding the institution of marriage and the acceptability of divorce.

Christianity: Refers to the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ as described in the Bible, including various denominations and interpretations of Christian doctrine.
